Red5 - oflaDemo on Tomcat-Red5 Server

oflaDemo is a Simple video player as shown on the Online Open Source Flash conference. It allows you to publish vlc, mp3 and aac file and stream them via RTMP.

The following will show you how to get oflaDemo into Tomcat-Red5 server

1. Check out the latest demo source from

2. After check out, navigate to oflaDemo to compile a oflaDemo.jar with ant jar. The output will be located at oflaDemo/dist

3. Note: we do not need to oflaDemo.war as we are going to embed this demo into Tomcat-Red5 server. See Red5 - Tomcat Installation if you have problem embedding Red5 into Tomcat

4. Assuming you have follow my previous entry mentioned at point 3, you should have a red5 folder under your Tomcat web application folder

5. Place oflaDemo.jar into red5\WEB-INF\lib

6. Open red5\WEB-INF\class , create a new file name oflaDemo-web.xml and fill in the content as follow

7. Create a stream folder red5\streams. This is the placeholder for your media file

8. Restart Tomcat Server and navigate to http://ip:port/red5/demos/ofla_demo.html

9. Click connect and you should see the following with green connected light and your media files listing


  1. I have followed your steps but when I try to connect, the application response is "No scope 'oflaDemo' on this server.". Why?

    In the log files there is not errors.
    My tomcat version is 6.0.28.

    Please can you help me?

  2. did you set up the olfaDemo-web.xml at red5\WEB-INF\classes? That is need to define the context for olfaDemo scope.

    Then, you need to put olfaDemo.jar at red5\WEB-INF\lib

    Also, which version are you using? 0.8 is more stable and it works for me

  3. Thank you very much! In a single war is possible to streming rtmp whith Red5.
    The file oflaDemo-web.xml will be better in text format. Many thanks tu Goku that read very well the image.


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