Titanium Appcelerator - Picker setSelectedRow

Although in some post, they said that Picker.setSelectedRow is bugged, I think otherwise.

In the API, it is said that setSelectRow must be called after the picker is displayed. Display means the picker must be rendered and the best case to use it is after calling Window.open().

Thus, 2 ways to use it

First way

var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({  //... add some configuration  });
var picker = Ti.UI.createPicker({  //... add some configuration  });
//... add some data....
//setting to column 0, row 1, with no animation
picker.setSelectedRow(0, 1, false);

Second way is to put setSelectedRow in window open event

var picker = null;

function Foo(){

   var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({  //... add some configuration  });
   picker = Ti.UI.createPicker({  //... add some configuration  });
   //... add some data....
   win.addEventListener("open", onOpen);

function onOpen(){
   //setting to column 0, row 1, with no animation
   picker.setSelectedRow(0, 1, false);

Both way ensure picker.setSelectedRow(0, 1, false); is called after Window is opened

When setSelectedRow is use, a change event could be trigger if the there is a change in selected item.

One may think that on window open, picker.setSelectedRow will definitely trigger a change event because there is no selected item prior to window open. You are half correct because iPhone will trigger a change even while Android will not. Please take note of this.




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