Android - Debug with hardware device in Eclipse

If you want to debug your Android application with Eclipse on real device, this post may help you.

1. Following the information to setup your phone

2. Connect your mobile device to PC via USB

3. Check if your device is attached properly with the following command

4. Open your Eclipse, Run -> Debug configuration

5. Make sure Manual is selected for Deployment Target Selection Mode and click save

6. If you perform normal debugging in Eclipse, the following should appear. Click on the running device and ok.

7. Debugging should start and if you switch to DDMS, you should see debug logging at the LogCat while you play around with the phone


  1. I never thought that I can debug my Android application with Eclipse on real device.I know that eclipse is a powerful editor but their are still many features that I am unaware of.
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  2. You could, and actually, debugging directly with your device give you a more accurate sense on how your application perform compare to emulator.

  3. man u saved me a ton of time thanks. Emulator is damn slow. n i had actually given up on debugging on device n was testing by directly installing the apk.
    thanks again.


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