C# DateTime From String

Getting C# DateTime object from String can be done by

String dt = "10/1/2009 2:22:14 PM";
DateTime myDT = DateTime.ParseExact(dt, "M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss tt", null);

Most important step is to create a correct parsing string ("M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss tt")

Below are some useful parsing string information

d - Numeric day of the month without a leading zero.
dd - Numeric day of the month with a leading zero.
ddd - Abbreviated name of the day of the week.
dddd - Full name of the day of the week.

f,ff,fff,ffff,fffff,ffffff,fffffff -
Fraction of a second. The more Fs the higher the precision.

h - 12 Hour clock, no leading zero.
hh - 12 Hour clock with leading zero.
H - 24 Hour clock, no leading zero.
HH - 24 Hour clock with leading zero.

m - Minutes with no leading zero.
mm - Minutes with leading zero.

M - Numeric month with no leading zero.
MM - Numeric month with a leading zero.
MMM - Abbreviated name of month.
MMMM - Full month name.

s - Seconds with no leading zero.
ss - Seconds with leading zero.

t - AM/PM but only the first letter.
tt - AM/PM ( a.m. / p.m.)

y - Year with out century and leading zero.
yy - Year with out century, with leading zero.
yyyy - Year with century.

zz - Time zone off set with +/-.


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